Welcome to MzDavinci.com
An Ideas Unlimited, LLC Publication

"You've got to be kidding. Just what we need...
another business site."

Caution! Never assume anything.
We all know what happens when we "assume."
We make an donkey out of you and me!

Caution! Never assume anything.

A doctor's telephone rang one night, awakening him from fitful slumber. It was one of his regular patients, a young man in a wild state of alarm. "My wife, Doctor!"he shouted. "It's her appendix. You'd better come around quick!"
The doctor sighed and told the young man to go back to bed. "Give her some bicarbonate or ginger ale, and I'll look in tomorrow," he said. "She doesn't have appendicitis."
The husband became even wilder, insisting that she did too have appendicitis. "Well she can't have appendicitis!" the doctor shouted. "I took her appendix out three years ago, and I never heard of anyone having two appendixes."
"Ever hear of anybody having two wives?" the young man asked bitterly.
The doctor went around right away and it was a good thing he did, because the second wife did have appendicitis. Adapted from The New Yorker
Please don't "assume" that this site is the same as other business solution sites.

Our mission is to provide dreamers, entrepreneurs and business professionals with ideas that will spark your own creative imaginations. Ignite your belief in possibilities. Provide affordable, easy to implement strategies that will result in sustainability and growth for your business.
Each week we will spotlight a visionary. Each has one thing in common, they overcame obstacles. Some kept trying and never quit. some believed in themselves despite naysayers. Some succeeded despite numerous challenges or the lack of money. Each can inspire and teach us. We can learn from their examples.
We encourage you to contribute your ideas, experiences and strategies. Sharing enables everyone to gain fresh perspective, to view challenges and opportunities differently. Visit the Water Cooler to learn what people are sharing.
Your pathway to profitability may be found by customizing and implementing strategies found when you click Ideas. 2010 is your year to take a quantum leap in the direction of your goals.
In today's ever-changing economic and business enviropnment being informed is crucial. Our Events page lists upcoming business events and workshops. The topics and sources are varied. Ideas Unlimited doesn't endorse them, however we believe strongly in the value of learning and trust you will take the time to explore the opportunities best suited to your needs.
Our Links page spotlights our creative friends. We provide the opportunity to link your business to our site. If you are interested in being featured, please e-mail us at ideasmzdavinci@aol.com Let's discuss ways we can work together to spotlight your product and/or service.

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